01 Sep 2023

Meet Willy Ndiema, a vocalist & songwriter

  • What inspired you to pursue your talent/career/passion?  

The fact that I realised music and art in general resides in me, I decided to this is the path I can follow. 

Meet Willy Ndiema, a vocalist & songwriter
  • What has been the biggest challenge you've faced in your field?  

The biggest challenge has been being able to be in the game consistently as a result of other commitments like work. 


  • What are your future goals and aspirations for your talent/career/passion?

Among some of my future goals is to create a unique sound and productions that connect deeply to the listener's soul. 


  • What is something unexpected or unique about yourself that others may not know?  

One unique thing is that besides being a vocalist, I can also play musical instruments and do video production. 


  • What is something you hope to achieve or create in the future but haven't been able to yet?  

Being able to establish a huge studio (both music & video) that can act as a platform and hope for aspiring artists. 


  • If you could only pursue one aspect of your talent/career/passion, what would it be?  

I would focus more on music video production, incorporating music and the art of storytelling to its details. 


  • How do you stay motivated and inspired, even during periods of burnout or adversity?  

My motivation mostly comes from interacting with mother nature, feeding my soul with other literary works, and maintaining a high level of intuition. 


  • What has been the most surprising thing you've learned about yourself through your journey in your talent/career/passion?  

I've learned the amazing power in keeping track record of every single milestone I make, this way one is able to monitor their growth from level to level. 


  • How would you describe your talent/career/passion in three words? 

Passion, resilience, consistency.

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